Koroner Anjiyografi: İşlem Öncesi, Sırası ve Sonrası Hemşirelik Girişimleri ve Süreç Yönetimi
Koroner Anjiyografi Sürecinde Hemşirelik Bakımı
Coronary angiography, Nursing care, Risk ManagementAbstract
Coronary angiography procedure consists of a process (pre-procedure, intra-procedure and post-procedure). In this process, the patient may face a complication at every stage. It is very important to perform risk assessment before coronary angiography to diagnose and prevent complications early. For example; Does the patient have allergies or kidney failure? It should be questioned. The most serious complication that needs to be considered during coronary angiography is contrast material allergy. After coronary angiography, the patient's bleeding should be monitored carefully and observed for complications such as hematoma, stent thrombus. Nursing care is very important in this risky process and is one of the main points in improving the quality of life of patients. The nurse who will care for the patient before, during and after the procedure must be equipped and knowledgeable. Nurses should improve and renew their nursing care knowledge and skills in line with current guidelines.
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