Effects of Chronic Diseases in Children in School Period and Management at School
Child, Adolescent, Chronic Disease, SchoolAbstract
Chronic diseases are a process that adversely affects individuals from all segments of society physically, mentally and socially. This negative effect affects individuals in childhood and adolescence much more deeply due to the life stages they are in. These effects may occur in the form of situations such as interruption of school attendance or decrease in academic success as well as affecting the social life of the child. This situation increases the importance of school health activities. School health activities are generally defined as all the activities carried out to evaluate and improve the health of students, to ensure and maintain a healthy school life, and to provide health education to students and thus to the society. In this context, it shows that school management and all relevant teachers should have knowledge about the evaluation of students' physical and mental health and intervention when necessary. In our study, a summary of the literature on the activities of school management and teachers on this subject is presented.
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